Dragon Medicine
Are You Ready To Soar?
The online initiation for soaring souls to take you from feeling like a child locked in a dark room to a Dragon Rider, arms spread wide as you create from the fire of your highest passion.
The next opportunity to join Dragon Medicine begins in April 2025.
The FINAL opportunity to join Dragon Medicine Live begins in April 2025.
On 23rd April Group Three will move into the Upper Chakra Dragons with Ish'mae'kal, Gor'kor'aeth and Thlian Daeshan.
You're a deep feeling outsider who knows you have phenomenal spiritual gifts yet feel blocked and overwhelmed as you try to rise into them. It all just feels too much and you aren't sure which directions to take. You watch spiritual videos and resonate with the messages yet it never seems to materialise in your own lived experience.
Deep inside, you KNOW you are the Divine, you KNOW you have an immense power in you and you KNOW you came to this world to fulfill an incredible mission. You're ready for your awakening to become REAL. You're ready for UNITY with the Cosmos. You're ready for SUPPORT from REAL interdimensional beings. You’re ready to stand tall and create from the fire of your highest passion.
What if you didn’t have to do it all alone?
What if all you need is a spark to ignite the fuel that’s been within you all along?
Imagine the next time you feel lost, alone or directionless a being comes in and offers you a lifeline. Imagine feeling them alongside you, holding you, guiding you through your next steps. Imagine truly feeling like a part of this living world - knowing that the ground beneath you is filled with living energy that holds and nourishes you and that every breath is a gift from your own higher self. Imagine the stability this would create in you and how much easier it would be to navigate that challenging relationship, that change in your career, that new project, that dream creation. Imagine feeling so aligned to the cosmos that you effortlessly call in your soulmate, the home of your dreams, the fulfilment of your life purpose or the finances to feel secure and free. All of this is possible. You have the power to make it real. You just need someone to show you how.
“And lately I’ve been experiencing this deep state of peace. Even though my body is tired, my consciousness is expanded and connected. I could be at work and present here but also present and in communion with Mother Earth. I feel a constant flux of communication from Her to me, almost like she is speaking with me. At least this is how today goes. I am so grateful Jack for those deep insights and for you. When I go outside I feel so alive like whole nature is responding to me. I believe this is how we’re meant to live, in an expanded state where we’re part of the SACRED WHOLENESS, where everything is a part of us and we’re part of everything and we all ONE.” AA
Introducing ‘DRAGON MEDICINE’ - The first Complete Initiation into Dragon Consciousness with the Dragons of the Rising Rose.
Dragon Medicine May Cause the Following Changes in your Life
Unity with Interdimensional Beings
Sense of Belonging to this Living World
Connection to the Heart of the Earth
Strong and Grounded Energetic Roots
The Felt Sense of Safety in your Body
Heightened Sensual Pleasure
Stable Rootedness Across the Surface of the Earth
Higher Self-Esteem
A Radiant Self-Love and Joy that Shines from Within
Inspiration for your Life and Creative Work
Inner Peace
Spiritual Awakening
Greater Creative Power
More Autonomy and Authenticity
“Jack is a truly profound healer and enlightened being. He has helped me to overcome long-term feelings of terror and anxiety (I used to wake up every morning drenched in sweat and feeling as if I was heading towards a car crash) live with more peace, openness and joy and to cure long-term health problems (I now have a foolproof way to stop my sciatica in its tracks). His course structure is well thought out and constructed and our sessions were always full of laughter and lightness. They were also full-on spiritual journeys where I felt responsible and in control of my own experience and healing and therefore that I reaped benefits that were directly pertinent to me. His hands-off but extremely supportive approach was perfect to allow my healing to take place.” Helen
There are two different payment options available.
Live Program - Each week you’ll join an online group video call with like-minded, soaring souls to share your progress, receive teachings, learn practices to actively apply to your life and ask questions to Jack and the Dragons of the Rising Rose.
You’ll have access to an exclusive online space held within the My Rising Rose website where you can access written guidance and video recordings of the live video calls - giving you the freedom to practice in your own time.
You will have the option to join our community WhatsApp Group to make connections with other members and share your experiences outside the sessions.
Recording Only - You’ll have access to an exclusive online space held within the My Rising Rose website where you can access written guidance and video recordings of the live video calls - giving you the freedom to practice in your own time.
You will have the option to join our community WhatsApp Group to make connections with other members and share your experiences outside the sessions.
Who are the Dragons of the Rising Rose?
Both timeless and ancient, the Dragons of the Rising Rose are living beings that flow from the cosmic chakras at the center of the Universe to support the healing and awakening of humanity.
“Most human beings subconsciously believe they must heal and awaken by themselves, creating a huge burden that their body-mind-soul is not designed to handle.
Your body-mind-soul is part of this living cosmos - like a cell within a body. Healthy cells are supported by the body and serve the body just as healthy humans are supported by the cosmos and serve the cosmos.
We dragons are also cells within the body of the cosmos and we are here to guide you as you open, rest and serve within the support of this living cosmos. You do not need to struggle, alone, as you work through all the fear, sadness and anger of your past, of your ancestors, of past lives, of your collective human consciousness.
As a part of our living cosmos you are meant to do this with the support of all the beings of the cosmos. Dragon Medicine is an initiation into the supportive energies of the Dragons of the Rising Rose, who will guide you to open into all this support for yourselves.”
Once these three Dragon Medicine Groups complete it is likely we will shift into Goddess Medicine in 2025. If you feel a strong call to work with the Dragons of the Rising Rose, I encourage you to take this opportunity while it’s here.
“Jack’s personal presence and the beings he channels both help to calm my nervous system while simultaneously unravel blockages and clear other debris in the various aspects of my body, spirit and mind mechanisms. By working with Jack I have gained more awareness, wisdom and clarity about myself. It is easy to be vulnerable and open up in a group that Jack is facilitating. His balanced, masculine presence and ability to hold sacred space in a way that is grounding and encouraging has helped me get in touch with more authentic aspects of myself and my divine essence. I love that Jack shares his human challenges and whatever is present in his life and I really appreciate his humor. A topic can go from deep despair to having a good laugh about something in a short span of time. I am so grateful to have connected with Jack.” Jennifer
Dragon Medicine
Live Program
Please note prices are based on conversion rates via wise.com on 3rd March 2024 and will vary depending on current exchange rates.
Dragon Medicine
Recording Only
Please note prices are based on conversion rates via wise.com on 3rd March 2024 and will vary depending on current exchange rates.
Scholarships are available for people on low-incomes.
These are ONLY for people on low-incomes. Everything of value in life requires us to make an investment of time, energy and resources. Please do not use these scholarship links if you have the funds to pay the full prices.
Group Three - All sessions are on Wednesday at
17:00-18:30 CET / 16:00-17:30 UK / 11:00-12:30 EST / 09:00-10:30 MST / 08:00-09:30 PST*
Week I - 23rd April - Ish’mae’kal / Violet Crown Chakra Dragon
Week II - 30th April - Ish’mae’kal / Violet Crown Chakra Dragon
Week III - 7th May- Ish’mae’kal / Violet Crown Chakra Dragon
Week IV - 14th May- Ish’mae’kal / Violet Crown Chakra Dragon
21st May- Break
Week V - 28th May- Gor’kor’aeth / Black Underworld Dragon
Week VI - 4th June - Gor’kor’aeth / Black Underworld Dragon
Week VII - 11th June - Gor’kor’aeth / Black Underworld Dragon
Week VIII - 18th June - Gor’kor’aeth / Black Underworld Dragon
25th June- Break
Week IX - 2nd July - Thlian Daeshan / White Heavenly Dragon
Week X - 9th July - Thlian Daeshan / White Heavenly Dragon
Week XI - 16th July - Thlian Daeshan / White Heavenly Dragon
Week XII - 23rd July -Thlian Daeshan / White Heavenly Dragon
Please check your time zones to make sure you know exactly when our meetings will be.
This is for you if…
You feel overwhelmed and stuck in your life and know it’s time for a change.
You believe in interdimensional beings and are ready to make contact with them.
You know there’s a spiritual dimension to life and you’re just waiting for it to finally bare fruit for you.
“I am so Grateful for my time/reading spent with Jack. I've been lucky in my 70 years to have experienced readings, healings, and time with “Masters”, and nothing has come close to my session with Jack. It answered questions and filled in many blanks in my life. It reminds me of the song ‘I can see clearly now, the rain has gone'. The Peace I felt during the session is still with me. I was re-connected with the earth, myself and many lovely things this 3D world offers. The insults and injuries of this world have never been better tended. I am so Grateful. I feel at ease looking into the future and I'm living with a new trust that we are not alone. And....We are Dearly, Deeply loved and respected. Many Blessings to Jack and The White Dragon.” Karen