My Rising Rose
Dragon Medicine
Are you ready to soar?
The online initiation for soaring souls to take you from feeling like a child locked in a dark room to a Dragon Rider, arms spread wide as you create from the fire of your highest passion.
The FINAL opportunity to join Dragon Medicine Live begins in April 2025.
On 23rd April Group Three will move into the Upper Chakra Dragons with Ish'mae'kal, Gor'kor'aeth and Thlian Daeshan.
“And lately I’ve been experiencing this deep state of peace. Even though my body is tired, my consciousness is expanded and connected. I could be at work and present here but also present and in communion with Mother Earth. I feel a constant flux of communication from Her to me, almost like she is speaking with me. At least this is how today goes. I am so grateful Jack for those deep insights and for you. When I go outside I feel so alive like whole nature is responding to me. I believe this is how we’re meant to live, in an expanded state where we’re part of the SACRED WHOLENESS, where everything is a part of us and we’re part of everything and we all ONE.” AA
Jack Morrigan